Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hi all; I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been fake busy (basically trying to make myself busy because I've bee eating like a crazy person). I hate that I'm still struggling with emotional eating, but I guess I have to take it one day at a time.
Anyway I went to Nordstroms half yearly sale a few weeks ago, and I went crazy in the shoe department because I'm a sucker for a good deal. So I decided to buy some jeans because some of my clothes don't fit anymore. I picked out some jeans that I thought would fit me and went to the fitting room. As I tried on the clothes it was a reality check that yes I have lost a little bit of weight, but I am nowhere near where I'm supposed to be. So I did come up on some good shoe deals that day, but nothing in the clothes department. I'm tired of dreding to go clothes shopping because I know most of the stuff I want to buy either doesn't fit or doesn't look right on me. I know I need to lose weight for Miami, but I keep on procrastinating and telling myself that I have all this time. Which is somewhat true, but if I want to lose 30 pounds by October I need to move now.
I need a workout buddy so if there is anybody that lives in the Bay Area that needs a workout buddy also message me; I would love the company!

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