Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My cousin texted me this morning and asked me if I wanted to go to Miami for her husbands b day in October. I instantly texted back YES, but right after I sent the text I realized that I am nowhere near ready for Miami. Sure I have exactly five months to get ready, but will I be bikini ready? I have been to Miami before, but I have never been in a bikini in Miami.

So I am announcing to everyone that I AM OFFICIALLY STARTING MY BIKINI CHALLENGE ON MONDAY! I am still on my 900 calorie a day diet, but this challenge that I'm going to be on is going to be a little stricter. Meaning, no more cheat days on Saturday, more workouts, and possibly getting a trainer. This will be a challenge, but I want to look good this is what a I have to do. Also if anybody else wants to join me in this challenge you are welcome; I would love the support. Until next time...



1 comment:

  1. Wow!Very nice place.looking for beautiful..thanks for sharing here..
    miami beach condos
